Selected Publications (Google Citations 15950+; H-index; 69; i10-index 268):
Referred International Journals:
IEEE/ACM Transactions:
1. Zhiqing Tang; Fangyi Mou; Jiong Lou; Weijia Jia; Yuan Wu; Wei Zhao, Joint Resource Overbooking and Container Scheduling in Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, Early Access.
2. Changfu Xu; Jianxiong Guo; Yupeng Li; Haodong Zou; Weijia Jia; Tian Wang, Dynamic Parallel Multi-Server Selection and Allocation in Collaborative Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, Early Access.
3. Y. Li, J. Guo, Y. Li, T. Wang, Weijia Jia, Adversarial Bandits With Multi-User Delayed Feedback: Theory and Application, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, Early Access.
4. X. Wang, H. Shangguan, F. Huang, S. Wu, Weijia Jia, MEL: Efficient Multi-Task Evolutionary Learning for High-Dimensional Feature Selection, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 36(8), 2024.
5. Siyi Cheng, Jingnan Song; Mingliang Zhou; Xuekai Wei; Huayan Pu; Jun Luo; Weijia Jia, EF-DETR: A Lightweight Transformer-Based Object Detector With an Encoder-Free Neck, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024, Early Access.
6. Hanshuai Cui; Zhiqing Tang; Jiong Lou; Weijia Jia; Wei Zhao, Latency-Aware Container Scheduling in Edge Cluster Upgrades: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2024, Early Access.
7. Mimi Qian; Lin Cui; Fung Po Tso; Yuhui Deng; Weijia Jia, OffsetINT: Achieving High Accuracy and Low Bandwidth for In-Band Network Telemetry, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 17(3), 2024.
8. H Huang, T Meng, J Guo, X Wei, W Jia, SecEG: A Secure and Efficient Strategy against DDoS Attacks in Mobile Edge Computing,ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks,20 (3), 1-21, 2024.
9. J Lou, Z Tang, W Jia, W Zhao, J Li, Startup-aware Dependent Task Scheduling with Bandwidth Constraints in Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 23(2),1586-1600, 2024.
10. W Xian, M Zhou, B Fang, T Xiang, W Jia, B Chen, Perceptual Quality Analysis in Deep Domains Using Structure Separation and High-Order Moments, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26: 2219-2234, 2024.
11. Z Tang, F Mou, J Lou, W Jia, Y Wu, W Zhao, Multi-User Layer-Aware Online Container Migration in Edge-Assisted Vehicular Networks, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 32(2), 2024.
12. M. Wang, J. Guo, Weijia Jia, Federated Multi-Phase Curriculum Learning to Synchronously Correlate User Heterogeneity, IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 5(5), 2024.
13. W Xian, M Zhou, B Fang, T Xiang, W Jia, B Chen, Perceptual Quality Analysis in Deep Domains Using Structure Separation and High-Order Moments, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 26, 2024.
14. Y Li, C. Dou, Y Wu, W Jia and R. Lu, NOMA Assisted Two-Tier VR Content Transmission: A Tile-based Approach for QoE Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 23(5), 2024.
15. M Zhou, H Leng, B Fang, T Xiang, X Wei, W Jia, Low-light Image Enhancement via a Frequency-based Model with Structure and Texture Decomposition, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 19(6), pp.1-23, 2023.
16. K Gu, WB Zhang, XQ Wang, X Li, WJ Jia, Dual Attribute-Based Auditing Scheme for Fog Computing-Based Data Dynamic Storage with Distributed Collaborative Verification, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(4), 2023.
17. Y Liang, M Yin, Y Zhang, W Wang, W Jia, T Wang, Grouping Reduces Energy Cost in Directionally Rechargeable Wireless Vehicular and Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 72(8), 2023.
18. T Wang, B Sun, L Wang, X Zheng, W Jia, EIDLS: An Edge-Intelligence-Based Distributed Learning System Over Internet of Things, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53(7), 2023.
19. X Zhang, L Cui, FP Tso, W Jia, Compiling Service Function Chains via Fine-Grained Composition in the Programmable Data Plane, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 16(4), 2023.
20. X Zhang, L Cui, FP Tso, Z Li, W Jia, Dapper: Deploying Service Function Chains in the Programmable Data Plane via Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing , 16(4), 2023.
21. M Zhou, H Leng, B Fang, T Xiang, X Wei, WJ Jia, Low-Light Image Enhancement via a Frequency-based Model with Structure and Texture Decomposition, ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, 19(6), 1-23, 2023.
22. Y Li, Y Wu, Y Song, L Qian, W Jia, Dynamic User-Scheduling and Power Allocation for SWIPT Aided Federated Learning: A Deep Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 22(12), 2023.
23. J Lou, Z Tang, W Jia, Energy-efficient Joint Task Assignment and Migration in Data Centers: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(2), 2023.
24. J Lou, Z Tang, S Zhang, W Jia, W Zhao, J Li, Cost-Effective Scheduling for Dependent Tasks with Tight Deadline Constraints in Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 22(10), 2023.
25. J Lou, H Luo, Z Tang, W Jia, W Zhao, Efficient Container Assignment and Layer Sequencing in Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 16(2), 2023.
26. C Duan, Y Feng, M Zhou, X Xiong, Y Wang, B Qiang, W Jia, Multilevel Similarity-Aware Deep Metric Learning for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(8), 2023.
27. W Xian, M Zhou, B Fang, X Liao, C Ji, T Xiang, W Jia, Spatiotemporal Feature Hierarchy-Based Blind Prediction of Natural Video Quality via Transfer Learning, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 69(1), 2023.
28. J. Lou, Z. Tang, W Jia, Energy-efficient Joint Task Assignment and Migration in Data Centers: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 20(2), 2023.
29. X. Wei, M. Zhou, W Jia, Towards Low-Latency and High-Quality Adaptive 360-Degree Streaming, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(5), 2023.
30. Z Tang, F Zhang, X Zhou, W Jia, W Zhao, Pricing Model for Dynamic Resource Overbooking in Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 11(2), 2023.
31. Z Tang, J Lou, W Jia, Layer Dependency-aware Learning Scheduling Algorithms for Containers in Mobile Edge Computing, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 22(3), 2023.
32. L. P. Qian; Yuan Wu; N. Yu; D. Wang, F. Jiang; W. Jia, Energy-Efficient Multi-Access Mobile Edge Computing with Secrecy Provisioning, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 22(1), 2023.
33. Y Li, Y Wu, M Dai, B Lin, W Jia, X Shen, Hybrid NOMA-FDMA Assisted Dual Computation Offloading: A Latency Minimization Approach, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 9 (5), 3345-3360, 2022.
34. K Gu, X Dong, X Li, W Jia, Cluster-Based Malicious Node Detection for False Downstream Data in Fog Computing-Based VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(3), 2022.
35. K Gu, J Hu, W Jia, Adaptive Area-Based Traffic Congestion Control and Management Scheme Based on Fog Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(1), 2023.
36. Z Xia, X Mao, K Gu, WJ Jia, Dual-Mode Data Forwarding Scheme Based on Interest Tags for Fog Computing-based SIoVs, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19(3), 2022.
37. K Gu, XY Dong, X Li, WJ Jia, Cluster-Based Malicious Node Detection for False Downstream Data in Fog Computing-Based VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(3), 1245-1263, 2022.
38. Z Xia, L Zeng, K Gu, X Li, W Jia, Conditional Identity Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme Based on Cooperation of Multiple Fog Servers under Fog Computing-Based IoVs, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2022.
39. L Cheng, W Jia, W Yang, Capture Salient Historical Information: A Fast and Accurate Non-Autoregressive Model for Multi-turn Spoken Language Understanding, ACM Transactions on Information Systems 41 (2), 1-32, 2022.
40. W Xian, M Zhou, B Fang, X Liao, C Ji, T Xiang, W Jia, Spatiotemporal Feature Hierarchy-Based Blind Prediction of Natural Video Quality via Transfer Learning, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, early access, 2022.
41. M Zhou, X Wei, W Jia, S Kwong, Joint Decision Tree and Visual Feature Rate Control Optimization for VVC UHD Coding, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 32, 219-234, 2023.
42. W Shen, M Zhou, X Liao, W Jia, T Xiang, B Fang, Z Shang, An End-to-End No-Reference Video Quality Assessment Method with Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Feature Representation, IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, early access, 2022.
43. Z.Xia, Y. Zhang, K. Gu, X. Li and W Jia, Secure Multi-Dimensional and Multi-Angle Electricity Data Aggregation Scheme for Fog Computing-Based Smart Metering System, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 6(1), March 2022, pp.313-328.
44. Z. Xia; X. Mao; K. Gu; Weijia Jia, Two-Dimensional Behavior-Marker-Based Data Forwarding Incentive Scheme for Fog-Computing-Based SIoVs, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 9(5), 2022.
45. X Wei, M Zhou, S Kwong, H Yuan, W Jia, “A Hybrid Control Scheme for 360-Degree Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over Mobile Devices”, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 21(10), 2022.
46. T. Wang; Y. Liu; X. Zheng; H.-N. Dai, W. Jia; M. Xie, Edge-Based Communication Optimization for Distributed Federated Learning, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 9(4), 2022.
47. K Gu, WB Zhang, X Li, W Jia, Self-Verifiable Attribute-Based Keyword Search Scheme for Distributed Data Storage in Fog Computing with Fast Decryption, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 19(1), 2022.
48. K. Gu; K. Wang; X. Li; W. Jia, Multi-Fogs-Based Traceable Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Vehicular Identity in Internet of Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8), 2022.
49. K. Gu; X. Dong; W. Jia, Malicious Node Detection Scheme Based on Correlation of Data and Network Topology in Fog Computing-Based VANETs, IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 10(2), 2022.
50. X. Zhang, T. Liu, P. Li, Weijia Jia*, H. Zhao, “Robust Neural Relation Extraction via Multi-Granularity Noises Reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 33(9): 3297-3310 (2021).
51. T Wang, Y Lu, J Wang, HN Dai, X Zheng, W Jia, “EIHDP: Edge-Intelligent Hierarchical Dynamic Pricing Based on Cloud-Edge-Client Collaboration for IoT Systems”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 70(8), pp. 1285-1298, 2021.
52. M. Zhou; X. Wei; S. Kwong; Weijia Jia; B. Fang, “Rate Control Method Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Video Sequences in HEVC”, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume: 23, 2021.
53. X. Zhang, L. Cui, F. P. Tso and W. Jia, "pHeavy: Predicting Heavy Flows in the Programmable Data Plane," in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 18(4), pp. 4353-4364, Dec. 2021.
54. K. Gu, Na Wu, Bo Yin, W. Jia, “Secure Data Query Framework for Cloud and Fog Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 9(4), 2021.
55. N Ruan, D Zhou, W Jia, “Ursa: Robust Performance for Nakamoto Consensus with Self-adaptive Throughput”, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 20 (4), 1-26, 2020.
56. M. Zhou, X. Wei, S. Kwong, Weijia Jia, B. Fang, “Just Noticeable Distortion-Based Perceptual Rate Control in HEVC”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, V29, 2020.
57. K Gu, L Tang, J Jiang, WJ Jia, “Resource Allocation Scheme for Community-Based Fog Computing Based on Reputation Mechanism”, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, , 7(5): 1246-1263 (2020).
58. Z. Tang, Weijia Jia, X. Zhou, W. Yang, Y. You, “Representation and Reinforcement Learning for Task Scheduling in Edge Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, early access, 2020/4/27.
59. Z. Xia, J. Tan, K. Gu, X. Li, Weijia Jia, “IDS Intelligent Configuration Scheme Against Advanced Adaptive Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (early access), 2020/5/25.
60. S Ma, S Guo, K Wang, W Jia, M Guo, "A Cyclic Game for Service-Oriented Resource Allocation in Edge Computing", IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, Volume: 13, Issue: 4, 01 July-Aug. 2020, Page(s): 723 - 734
61. Xuxun Liu, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Anfeng Liu, Kaikai Chi, “Quick Convex Hull-Based Rendezvous Planning for Delay-Harsh Mobile Data Gathering in Disjoint Sensor Networks, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, (accepted on 2019/9/19).
62. T Wang, H Luo, W Jia*, A Liu, M Xie, “MTES: An intelligent Trust Evaluation Scheme in Sensor-Cloud enabled Industrial Internet of Things”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(3), 2020, pp.2054—2062.
63. Tian Wang, and Weijia Jia, “Bidirectional Prediction based Underwater Data Collection Protocol for End-Edge-Cloud Orchestrated System”, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16(7), July 2020, pp.4791-4799.
64. L Qian, Y Wu, J Ouyang, Z Shi, B Lin, W Jia, “Latency Optimization for Cellular Assisted Mobile Edge Computing via Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (5), 5494-5507, 2020.
65. Y. Zhang, L. Cui, W. Jia, “Mystique: A Fine-grained and Transparent Congestion Control Enforcement Scheme”, IEEE Trans. Network and Service Management 16(4): 1869-1883 (2019).
66. W. Yang, K. Wang, N. Ruan, W. Gao, Weijia Jia*, W. Zhao, N. Liu, and Y. Zhang, “Time-sync Video Tag Extraction Using Semantic Association Graph, ACM Trans on Knowledge Discover and Data (TKDD), 13 (4), 1-24, 2019.
67. Lin Cui, Fung Po Tso, Song Guo, Weijia Jia, Kaimin Wei, and Wei Zhao, “Enabling Heterogeneous Network Function Chaining”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 30 (4), 842-854, 2019.
68. Zhiqing Tang, Xiaojie Zhou, Fuming Zhang, Weijia Jia, and Wei Zhao, “Migration Modeling and Learning Algorithms for Containers in Fog Computing”, IEEE Trans. Services Computing 12(5): 712-725 (2019)
69. Tian Wang, Y. Li, G. Wang, J. Cao, M. Z. Bhuiyan, Weijia Jia, “Sustainable and Efficient Data Collection from WSNs to Cloud”, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 4(2): 252-262 (2019).
70. Weijia Jia, H Peng, N Ruan, Z Tang, W Zhao, “WiFind: Driver fatigue detection with fine-grained Wi-Fi signal features”, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 6(2), 269-282, 2018.
71. Cui, Lin, Fung Po Tso, D. Pezaros, Weijia Jia, and Wei Zhao: PLAN: Joint policy-and network-aware VM management for cloud data centers. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(4): 1163-1175 (2017).
72. Bo Cheng, Lin Cui, Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao, and Gerhard P. Hancke: Multiple Region of Interest Coverage in Camera Sensor Networks for Tele-Intensive Care Units. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics 12(6): 2331-2341 (2016)
73. S. Wen, M. Sayad Haghighi, C. Chen, Yang Xiang, Wanlei Zhou, Weijia Jia: A Sword with Two Edges: Propagation Studies on Both Positive and Negative Information in Online Social Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 64(3): 640-653 (2015)
74. Sheng Wen, Jiao Jiao Jiang, Yang Xiang, Shui Yu, Wanlei Zhou, Weijia Jia: To Shut Them Up or to Clarify: Restraining the Spread of Rumors in Online Social Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 25(12): 3306-3316 (2014)
75. Zuoming Yu, Jin Teng, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan, Weijia Jia: Connected Coverage in Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 10(3), 51: 1-51 (2014)
76. Sheng Wen, Wei Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yang Xiang, Wanlei Zhou, Weijia Jia, Cliff C. Zou: Modeling and Analysis on the Propagation Dynamics of Modern Email Malware. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 11(4): 361-374 (2014)
77. Sheng Wen, Wei Zhou, Jun Zhang, Yang Xiang, Wanlei Zhou, Weijia Jia: Modeling Propagation Dynamics of Social Network Worms. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 24(8): 1633-1643 (2013)
78. Fung Po Tso, Lin Cui, L. Zhang, Weijia Jia, Di Yao, Jin Teng, Dong Xuan: DragonNet: A Robust Mobile Internet Service System for Long Distance Trains. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 12(11): 2206-2218 (2013).
79. Zhen Ling, Xinwen Fu, Weijia Jia, Wei Yu, Dong Xuan, Junzhou Luo: Novel Packet Size-Based Covert Channel Attacks against Anonymizer. IEEE Trans. Computers 62(12): 2411-2426 (2013)
80. Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Guoliang Xing, Minming Li: Exploiting Statistical Mobility Models for Efficient Wi-Fi Deployment. IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 62(1): 360-373 (2013)
81. Ziqiu Yun, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan, Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao: Pattern mutation in wireless sensor deployment. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(6): 1964-1977 (2012)
82. Z. Lin, J. Luo, X. Fu, W. Yu, D. Xuan, Weijia Jia: A New Cell Counting Based Attack Against Tor. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 20(4): 1245-1261(Aug. 2012).
83. S. Peng, G. Xing, S. Li, W. Jia and Y. Peng: Fast Release/Capture Sampling in Large-scale Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11(8): 1274-1286 (2012).
84. G. Xing, M. Li, T. Wang, W. Jia and J. Huang: Rendezvous Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Base Stations. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 11(1): 47-60 (2012).
85. Fung Po TSO, Jin Teng, Weijia Jia, Dong Xuan: Mobility: A Double-Edged Sword for HSPA Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23(10):1895-1907 (2012).
86. Shui Yu, Wanlei Zhou, Weijia Jia, Song Guo, Yong Xiang and Feilong Tang: Discriminating DDoS Attacks from Flash Crowds Using Flow Correlation Coefficient. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 23(6): 1073-1080(2012).
87. Lin Cui, Fung Po Tso, Di Yao, Weijia Jia: WeFiLab: A Web-Based WiFi Laboratory Platform for Wireless Networking Education. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 5(4): 291-303 (2012).
88. Y. Yuan, K. Wu, Weijia Jia and Y. Jiang: Performance of Acyclic Stochastic Networks with Network Coding, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 22(7): 1238-1245 (2011).
89. Lin Liao; Weifeng Chen; Chuanlin Zhang; Lizhuo Zhang; Dong Xuan; Weijia Jia: Two Birds With One Stone: Wireless Access Point Deployment for Both Coverage and Localization. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60(5): 2239 – 2252 (2011).
90. Shui Yu, Wanlei Zhou, Robin Doss and Weijia Jia: Traceback of DDoS Attacks using Entropy Variations. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 22(3): 412-425 (2011).
91. Ziqiu Yun, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan, T-H. Lai and Weijia Jia: Optimal Deployment Patterns for Full Coverage and k-Connectivity (k<=6) Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 18(3): 934-947 (June 2010).
92. Chuanlin Zhang, Xiaole Bai, Dong Xuan and Weijia Jia: Constructing Low-Connectivity and Full-Coverage Three Dimensional Sensor Networks. IEEE Journal On Selected Areas in Communications, 28(7): 984-993 (Sept. 2010).
93. Xiaole Bai, Ziqiu Yun, Dong Xuan, Ten-Hwang Lai and Weijia Jia: Optimal Deployment Patterns for Four-Connectivity And Full-Coverage Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 9(3): 435-448(2010).
94. Wenjun Gu, Zhimin Yang, Dong Xuan, Weijia Jia and Can Que: Null Data Frame: A Double-edged Sword in IEEE 802.11 WLANs. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 21(7): 897-910 (2010).
95. J. Zhang; Q. Zhang; W. Jia: VC-MAC: A Cooperative MAC Protocol in Vehicular Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 58(3), March 2009:1561 – 1571.
96. G. Xing, T. Wang, Z. Xie, W. Jia: Rendezvous Planning in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Elements. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 7(12): 1430—1443 (2008).
97. Cong Peng; Qian Zhang; Ming Zhao; Yan Yao; Weijia Jia: On the Performance Analysis of Network-Coded Cooperation in Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, 7(8): 3090—3097 (2008).
98. W. Gu, X. Bai, S. Chellappan, D. Xuan, and Weijia Jia: Network Decoupling: A Methodology for Secure Communications in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 18(12):1784-1796 (2007).
99. W. Tu, C. J. Sreenan and Weijia Jia: Worst-Case Delay Control in Multi-Group Overlay Networks. IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 18(10): 1407-1419(2007).
100. L. Chen, Q. Zhang, M. Li, and Weijia Jia: Joint Topology Control and Routing in IEEE 802.11-based Multi-radio Multi-channel Mesh Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 56(5), Sept. 2007, 3123-3136.
101. Weijia Jia, D. Xuan, W. Tu, L. Lin and Wei Zhao, “Distributed Admission Control for Anycast Flows”, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(8): 673-686(2004).
102. J. Wu, X. Lin, J. Cao and Weijia Jia, “An Extended Fault-Tolerant Link-State Routing Protocol in the Internet”, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 52(10) 1298-1311(2003).
103. D. Xuan, Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao and H. Zhu: Routing Protocols for Anycast Messages. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 11(6): 571-588 (2000).
104. Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao, D Xuan and G Xu: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multicast Routing Protocol with Core-Based Tree Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 10(10): 984-999(1999).
International Referred (SCI) Journals:
1. Y Zheng, L Cui, FP Tso, Z Li, W Jia, DNN acceleration in vehicle edge computing with mobility-awareness: A synergistic vehicle–edge and edge–edge framework, Computer Networks 251, 110607, 2024.
2. Xiaoquan Zhang; Lin Cui; Fung Po Tso; Wenzhi Li; Weijia Jia, IN3: A Framework for In-Network Computation of Neural Networks in the Programmable Data Plane, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2024, 62(4).
3. Wenhua Wang; Yilin Zhang; Qin Liu; Tian Wang; Weijia Jia,Edge-Intelligence-Based Computation Offloading Technology for Distributed Internet of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(12).
4. Zhimin Liu, Guiyan Jiang, Weijia Jia, Tian Wang, Youke Wu,Critical Density for K-Coverage Under Border Effects in Camera Sensor Networks With Irregular Obstacles Existence. IEEE Internet Things Journal, 11(4): 6426-6437, 2024.
5. Jianxiong Guo, Weili Wu, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, An Online Multi-Item Auction With Differential Privacy in Edge-Assisted Blockchains. IEEE Internet Things Journal,11(5): 8133-8145 (2024).
6. M Wang, S Wang, J Guo, W Jia, improving stock trend prediction with pretrain multi-granularity denoising contrastive learning, Knowledge and Information Systems, 1-28, 2023.
7. J Guo, W Wu, T Wang, W Jia, An Online Multi-Item Auction with Differential Privacy in Edge-Assisted Blockchains, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023, Early Access.
8. Z. Liu, G. Jiang, W. Jia, T. Wang, Y. Wu, Critical Density for K-Coverage Under Border Effects in Camera Sensor Networks with Irregular Obstacles Existence, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, Early Access.
9. J Lou, Z Tang, S Yuan, J Li, C Wu, W Jia, Efficient Serverless Function Scheduling at the Network Edge, arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2310.16475, 2023
10. R Bai, H Lin, X Yang, X Wu, M Li, W Jia, Stackelberg Security Games with Contagious Attacks on a Network: Reallocation to the Rescue, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 77, pp.487-515, 2023.
11. J Guo, X Ding, T Wang, W Jia, Theoretical design of decentralized auction framework under mobile crowdsourcing environment, Theoretical Computer Science 939, 250-260, 2023
12. Y Li, T Wang, Y Wu, W Jia, Optimal dynamic spectrum allocation-assisted latency minimization for multiuser mobile edge computing, Digital Communications and Networks 8 (3), 247-256, 2022.
13. S Zhang, W Jia, Z Tang, J Lou, W Zhao, Efficient instance reuse approach for service function chain placement in mobile edge computing, Computer Networks 211, 109010, 2022.
14. J Guo, X Ding, T Wang, W Jia, Combinatorial Resources Auction in Decentralized Edge-Thing Systems Using Blockchain and Differential Privacy, Information Sciences 2, 2022.
15. J Zeng, T Liu, W Jia, J Zhou, Relation construction for aspect-level sentiment classification, Information Sciences, 586, 209-223, 2022.
16. G Zhang, T Wang, G Wang, A Liu, W Jia, Detection of hidden data attacks combined fog computing and trust evaluation method in sensor‐cloud system, Concurrency and computation: practice and experience 33 (7), 1-1. 2021.
17. T Wang, P Wang, S Cai, X Zheng, Y Ma, W Jia, G Wang, Mobile edge-enabled trust evaluation for the Internet of Things, Information Fusion 75, 90-100, 2021.
18. Y Li, T Wang, Y Wu, W Jia, Optimal dynamic spectrum allocation-assisted latency minimization for multiuser mobile edge computing, Digital Communications and Networks, 2021.
19. Xiaoquan Zhang, Lin Cui, Kaimin Wei, Fung Po Tso, Yangyang Ji, Weijia Jia, A survey on stateful data plane in software defined networks, Computer Networks, Vol. 184, 2021, 107597.
20. Li Ping Qian; Yuan Wu; Xu Xu; Bo Ji; Zhiguo Shi; Weijia Jia, “Distributed Charging-Record Management for Electric Vehicle Networks via Blockchain”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume: 8, Issue: 4, 2021.
21. Z Xia, J Tan, K Gu, WJ Jia, Detection resource allocation scheme for two-layer cooperative IDSs in smart grids, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 147, 236-247, 2021.
22. X Zhang, L Cui, K Wei, FP Tso, Y Ji, W Jia, A survey on stateful data plane in software defined networks, Computer Networks, 184, 107597, 2021.
23. J Zeng, T Liu, W Jia, J Zhou, Fine-grained Question-Answer sentiment classification with hierarchical graph attention network, Neurocomputing 457, 214-224, 2021.
24. Sancheng Peng, Lihong Cao, Yongmei Zhou, Zhouhao Ouyang, Aimin Yang, Xinguang Li, Weijia Jia, Shui Yu, A survey on deep learning for textual emotion analysis in social networks, Digital Communications and Networks, Oct. 2021.
25. A Zekri, W Jia, “Performance evaluation of rate adaptation algorithms for seamless heterogeneous vehicular communications”, Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 1-17, 2021.
26. X Zhang, T Liu, W Jia, P Li, Fine-grained relation extraction with focal multi-task learning, Science China Information Sciences 63 (6), 1-3, 2020.
27. T Wang, G Zhang, MZA Bhuiyan, A Liu, W Jia, M Xie, A novel trust mechanism based on fog computing in sensor–cloud system, Future Generation Computer Systems 109, 573-582, 2020.
28. T Wang, Y Liang, Y Yang, G Xu, H Peng, A Liu, W Jia, “An Intelligent Edge-Computing-Based Method to Counter Coupling Problems in Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE Network 34 (3), 16-22, 2020.
29. XS Zhang, TY Liu, WJ Jia, Fine-grained relation extraction with focal multi-task learning, 2020/6, Information Sciences, 63(169103).
30. L Cui, FP Tso, W Jia, Federated Service Chaining: Architecture and Challenges, IEEE Communications Magazine 58 (3), 47-53, 2020.
31. T Wang, Y Mei, W Jia, X Zheng, G Wang, M Xie, Edge-based differential privacy computing for sensor-cloud systems, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), 136, 75-85, 2020.
32. J Jiang, L Tang, K Gu, WJ Jia, Secure Computing Resource Allocation Framework for Open Fog Computing, The Computer Journal, 63 (4), 567-592, 2020.
33. W Tu, F Pop, W Jia, J Wu, M Iacono, High-Performance Computing in Edge Computing Networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 123, 230, 2019.
34. T Wang, Y Liang, W Jia, M Arif, A Liu, M Xie, Coupling resource management based on fog computing in smart city systems, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 135: 11-19 (2019)
35. Tian Wang, Wang, Tian; Zhou, Jiyuan; Liu, Anfeng; Bhuiyan, Md Zakirul Alam; Wang, Guojun; Jia, Weijia, “Fog-based Computing and Storage Offloading for Data Synchronization in IoT”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(3): 4272-4282 (2019)
36. G. Li, He, J.; Peng, S.; Jia, Weijia; W., Cong; N., Jianwei; Yu, S., Energy Efficient Data Collection in Large-scale Internet of Things via Computation Offloading, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(3):4176-4187 (2019)
37. S. Liu, Weijia Jia, X Pan, Fault-tolerant feedback virtual machine deployment based on user-personalized requirements, Frontiers of Computer Science 12 (4), 682-693, 2019.
38. K Gu, L Wang, W Jia, Autonomous Resource Request Transaction Framework Based on Blockchain in Social Network, IEEE Access 7, 43666-43678, 2019.
39. G Zhang, T Wang, G Wang, A Liu, W Jia, Detection of hidden data attacks combined fog computing and trust evaluation method in sensor‐cloud system, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, DOI: 10.1002/cpe.5109, 2018.
40. T Wang, G Zhang, MDZA Bhuiyan, A Liu, W Jia, M Xie, A novel trust mechanism based on fog computing in Sensor-Cloud System, Future Generation Computer Systems , 2018.
41. L Cui, FP Tso, W Jia, Enforcing network policy in heterogeneous network function box environment, Computer Networks 138, 108-118, 2018
42. A Zekri, W Jia, Heterogeneous vehicular communications: A comprehensive study, Ad-Hoc Networks, 75, 52-79, 2018.
43. S Peng, Y Zhou, L Cao, S Yu, J Niu, W Jia, Influence analysis in social networks: A survey, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2018
44. Z Liu, W Jia, G Wang, Area coverage estimation model for directional sensor networks, International Journal of Embedded Systems 10 (1), 13-21, 2018
45. T Wang, Y Li, Y Chen, H Tian, Y Cai, W Jia, B Wang, Fog-based evaluation approach for trustworthy communication in sensor-cloud system, IEEE Communications Letters 21 (11), 2532-2535. 2017.
46. Wang T, Liang YZ, Peng Z, Peng SL, Cai SB, Jia WJ. Research advance of detection-centric target tracking with mobile elements in wireless sensor networks. Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software, 2017, 28(Suppl.(1)):115 (in Chinese)
47. M. Wu, N. Ruan, and Weijia Jia, I know who are flooding SIP messages in VoLTE, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 100 (10), 2287-2294, 2017.
48. Ke Gu, Weijia Jia, Jianming Zhang: Identity-Based Multi-Proxy Signature Scheme in the Standard Model. Fundam. Inform. 150(2): 179-210 (2017)
49. Tian Wang, Zhen Peng, Sheng Wen, Yongxuan Lai, Weijia Jia, Yiqiao Cai, Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen: Reliable wireless connections for fast-moving rail users based on a chained fog structure. Inf. Sci. 379: 160-176 (2017)
50. Ke Gu, Weijia Jia, Guojun Wang, Sheng Wen: Efficient and secure attribute-based signature for monotone predicates. Acta Inf. 54(5): 521-541 (2017)
51. Smail Ghoul, Weijia Jia: Techno-economic analysis and prediction for the deployment of 5G mobile network. ICIN 2017: 9-16.
52. Shuhong Chen, Guojun Wang, Weijia Jia: Cluster-group based trusted computing for mobile social networks using implicit social behavioral graph. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 55: 391-400 (2016)
53. Zheng Ma, Jin Zheng, Weijia Jia, Guojun Wang: An efficient spatial query processing algorithm in multi-sink wireless sensor networks. IJSNet 22(4): 274-282 (2016)
54. Shukun Liu, Weijia Jia: A Novel Method for Virtual Machine Placement Based on Euclidean Distance. TIIS 10(7): 2914-2935 (2016)
55. Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Bineng Zhong, Hui Tian, Guoliang Zhang: BlueCat: An Infrastructure-Free System for Relative Mobile Localization. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks 29(1-4): 133-152 (2015)
56. Ke Gu, Weijia Jia, Chunlin Jiang: Efficient Identity-Based Proxy Signature in the Standard Model. Comput. J. 58(4): 792-807 (2015)
57. Tian Wang, Yiqiao Cai, Weijia Jia, Sheng Wen, Guojun Wang, Hui Tian, Yonghong Chen, Bineng Zhong: Maximizing real-time streaming services based on a multi-servers networking framework. Computer Networks 93: 199-212 (2015)
58. Shuhong Chen, Guojun Wang, Weijia Jia: κ-FuzzyTrust: Efficient trust computation for large-scale mobile social networks using a fuzzy implicit social graph. Inf. Sci. 318: 123-143 (2015)
59. Shukun Liu, Weijia Jia: An Adaptive Virtual Machine Location Selection Mechanism in Distributed Cloud. TIIS 9(12): 4776-4798 (2015)
60. W. Zhou, S. Wen, Y. Xiang, W. L. Zhou and Weijia Jia, “Detection and Defense of Application-Layer DDoS Attacks in Backbone Web Traffic”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 38, pp. 36-46, 2014.
61. S. Chen, G. Wang, W. Jia “k-FuzzyTrust: An Efficient Trust Computation for Large-scale Mobile Social Networks using Fuzzy Implicit Social Graph”, Elsevier: Information sciences, 2014.
62. S. Chen, G. Wang, W. Jia, “Cluster-Group Based Trusted Computing for Mobile Social Networks Using Implicit Social Behavioral Graph”, Elsevier: Future Generation Computer Systems, 2014.
63. Lin Cui, Weijia Jia: Cyclic stable matching for three-sided networking services. Computer Networks 57(1): 351-363, 2013.
64. Huan Li, Yanlei Liu, Weifeng Chen, Weijia Jia, Bing Li, Junwu Xiong: COCA: Constructing optimal clustering architecture to maximize sensor network lifetime. Computer Communications 36(3): 256-268 (2013)
65. Weijia Jia, Fung Po Tso, Zhen Ling, Xinwen Fu, Dong Xuan, Wei Yu: Blind detection of spread spectrum flow watermarks. Security and Communication Networks 6(3): 257-274 (2013)
66. Jia Hu, Geyong Min, Weijia Jia, Mike E. Woodward: Comprehensive QoS analysis of enhanced distributed channel access in wireless local area networks. Inf. Sci. 214: 20-34 (2012).
67. Hanwu Wang and Weijia Jia, “Design a Novel Fairness Model in WiMAX Mesh Networks”, Computer Communications, Elsevier, 35(12): 1447-1456 (2012).
68. Nan XU, and Weijia JIA, LUO, Y, ZHANG, F, XUAN, D and TENG, J, "AN OPENED EYE ON YOU", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 6(4), pp. 49-59, Dec. 2011.
69. XU, N and Weijia JIA, "Joint Packet Scheduling and Radio Resource Assignment for WiMAX Networks", Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 13(3-4), 2011, pp 193-208.
70. M. Conti, S. Chong, S. Fdida, Weijia Jia, H. Karl, Ying-Dar Lin, P. Mähönen, M. Maier, R. Molva, S. Uhlig, M. Zukerman, “Research challenges towards the Future Internet”, Computer Communications 34(18): 2115-2134 (2011)
71. WANG, D N, LI, G, JIA, W and LUO, X, "Saliency-driven scaling optimization for image retargeting", The Visual Computer, 27(9), September 2011, pp 853-860.
72. Changqing Xu, Jin Teng and Weijia Jia, “Enabling Faster and Smoother Handoffs in AP-dense 802.11 Wireless Networks”, Computer Communications, Elsevier Computer Communications 33(15): 1795-1803 (2010).
73. Hanwu Wang and Weijia Jia, “An optimized scheduling scheme in OFDMA WiMax networks”, International Journal of Communication Systems, 23 (3), pp 23-39, Wiley InterScience ( 2010.
74. Xiaomin Ning, Hai Jin, Weijia Jia, Pingpeng Yuan, "Practical and effective IR-style keyword search over semantic web", Information Processing and Management 45 (2009), pp263–271.
75. Wenfeng Du, Weijia Jia, Guojun Wang, Wenyan Lu, “Analysis of channel allocation scheme for wireless cellular networks”, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 4(3-4), 2009, pp 201-209.
76. Guojun Wang, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Minyi Guo, Jie Li: “Adaptive location updates for mobile sinks in wireless sensor networks”, The Journal of Supercomputing 47(2): 127-145 (2009)
77. Peng Du, Weijia Jia, Liusheng Huang, Huan Li, Minimizing Transmission Time in 802.16-based Multi-Channel Mesh Networks, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, 2009, Vol 5, Issue: 3, pp. 295-311.
78. Hai Jin, Xingmin Ning, Weijia Jia, Hao Wu and Guilin Lu, "Combining weights with fuzziness for intelligent semantic web search", Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsever, (2008).
79. Jun Wang, Huan Li, Weijia Jia, Liusheng Huang, Jingyuan Li, “Interface Assignment and Bandwidth Allocation for Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks”, Computer Communications, Elsevier, 31 (2008), pp.3995-4004.
80. Jun Wang, P. Du, Huan Li, Weijia Jia, Liusheng Huang, "Joint bandwidth allocation, element assignment and scheduling for wireless mesh networks with MIMO links", 31(7), Computer Communications, Elsevier, 2008, pp.1372-1384.
81. L. Lin, H. Fu and Weijia Jia, “An Efficient Admission Control for IEEE 802.11 Networks Based on Throughput Analyses of (Un)saturated Channel", International Journal of Communication Systems, 21(7), Wiley InterScience (July 2008), pp.755-771.
82. Guojun Wang, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Minyi Guo and J. Li, "Adaptive Location Updates for Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor Networks", Journal of Supercomputing, Springer, ISSN 0920-8542, pp. 1573-0484, 2008.
83. B. Han, Weijia Jia, “Clustering Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Weakly-Connected Dominating Set”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), vol. 67, no.6, pp.727-737, Jun. 2007.
84. B. Han, L. Lin and Weijia Jia, “Performance evaluation of scheduling in IEEE 802.16 based wireless mesh networks”, Computer Communications, Elsevier, vol. 30, no. 4, pages 782-792, Feb. 2007. .
85. H. Wang, X. Hu, J. Fang and Weijia Jia, “Analysis of Reactive Routing Protocols for Mobile ad Hoc Networks in Markov Models”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics-English Edition, Vol. 28(1) (2007), pp.127-139.
86. Weijia Jia, TSO Fung Po and L. Zhang, “Efficient 3G-324M protocol Implementation for Low Bit Rate Multi-point Video Conferencing”, Journal of Networks, Vol. 1, Issue: 5, Academy Publisher, Sept./Oct., 2006, pp.1-8.
87. Weijia Jia, H. Wang, W. Tu and Wei Zhao, "A New Delay Control Method for Real-time Flows", Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Netherlands, 27, June 2006, 1573-2886.
88. Weijia Jia, W. Tu and Jie Wu; "Distributed Hierarchical Multicast Tree Algorithms for Application Layer Mesh Networks", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol E89-D, No. 2, Feb. 2006.
89. Weijia Jia and J Wang, "Analysis of Connectivity for Sensor Networks using Geometrical Probability", IEE Proceedings - Communications, 153(2), 1 April 2006, pp. 305-312.
90. Weijia Jia, W. Tu and W. Zhao, “Multi-shared-trees based multicast routing control protocol using anycast selection”, The International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2005, 69–84.
91. J. Chen, Q. Li and Weijia Jia, “Automatically Generating an E-textbook on the Web”, World Wide Web Journal, Springer, 2005.
92. L. Zhang, Weijia Jia, W. Yan and X. Li, "Anycast Routing Algorithm with Special Composite Distance", Journal of Computer Research and Development, ISSN 1000-1239/CN 11-1777/TP, 42(1): 252-258, 2005.
93. H. Chang, L. Zhang, Dong S, Tang L and Weijia Jia, Multi-Server Selection with Imprecise State Information, MINI-MICRO SYSTEMS 2005 Vol.26 No.8 P.1286-1291.
94. J. Chen, D. K. Friesen, I. Kanj, Weijia Jia, "Using Nondeterminism to Design Efficient Deterministic Algorithms", Algorithmica, (2004) 40, 83-97.
95. D. Long, Weijia Jia and M. Li, “Product of Finite Maximal p-Codes”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, V.81, No.8, (2004), 931-942.
96. Weijia Jia, B. Han, C. Zhang and W. Zhou, “Delay Control and Parallel Admission Algorithms for Real-Time Anycast Flow”, Journal of Supercomputing, 29(2), Aug 2004, pp.197-209.
97. Weijia Jia, B. Han, P. Au, Y. He, W. Zhou, “Optimal Multicast Tree Routing for Cluster Computing in Hypercube Interconnection Networks”, IEICE Transaction of Information and Systems, VOL.E87-D, VO. 7, July. 2004, 1625--1632.
98. C. Chen, Weijia Jia and W. Zhou, “A Reactive System Architecture for Building Fault-Tolerant Distributed Applications”, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, Vol. 72 (3), pp.401-415, August, 2004.
99. W. Zhou, L. Wang and Weijia Jia, “An Analysis of Update Ordering in Distributed Replication Systems", Journal of Future Generation of Computer Systems, 20 (2004) 565–590.
100. Weijia Jia, C. Zhang and J. Chen, “An Efficient Parameterized Algorithm for m-Set Packing”, Journal of Algorithm, Vol. 50, Issue 1, (2004) 106–117.
101. J. Wang, W. Lu and Weijia Jia, “A Web-Based Environment for Virtual Laboratory with CORBA Technology”, International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, World Scientific Publishing Co. Vol. 16, No. 4 (2003) 261–274.
102. D. Long, Weijia Jia, M. Li, “Optimal Prefix Codes And Huffman Codes”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Taylor & Francis, Vol. 80, June 2003, pp.727-742.
103. M. Li, C-H. Chi, W. Zhao, Weijia Jia, and D. Long, “Decision Analysis of Statistically Detecting Distributed Denial-of-Service Flooding Attacks”, International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 2(3), Sept. 2003, pp.397-405.
104. M. Li, W. Zhao, Weijia Jia, D. Long, and C.-H. Chi, “Modeling Autocorrelation Functions of Self-Similar Tele-traffic in Communication Net-works based on Optimal Approximation in Hilbert Space”, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Elsevier Science publisher, Volume 27, Issue 3, March 2003, pp.155-168.
105. Weijia Jia, G. Xu and W. Zhao, “Efficient Internet Multicast Routing Using Anycast Path Selection”, Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 12, No. 4, Dec. 2002, pp.417-438.
106. Weijia Jia and Z. Sun, “On Computational Complexity of Hierarchical Optimization”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS), World Scientific Publishing Co., 13(5), 2002, pp.667-670.
107. W. Zhou and Weijia Jia, “A Token-based independent update protocol for managing replicated objects", Journal of Computer Systems - Science and Engineering, CRL Publishing Ltd., Vol. 17, No. 3, May 2002, pp. 189-207.
108. N. Chen, A. Chen, L. Zhou, Weijia Jia and S. Luo, "A documental clustering algorithm based on fuzzy concept graph and its application in Web", Journal of Software, Vol 13, No. 8, 2002, pp: 1598-1608.
109. D. Long, Weijia Jia and L. Zhang, “Product of Finite Maximal p-Codes”, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 79(8), 2002, Taylor & Francis, pp. 889-899.
110. D. Long, Weijia Jia, P.O. Au, and M. Li, “Improving Chinese Storing Text Retrieval Systems’ Security Via a Novel Maximal Prefix Coding”, International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, World Scientific Publishing Co., Vol. 15, No. 4, Sept. 2002, 379-393.
111. J. Chen, I. Kanj and Weijia Jia, “Vertex Cover: Further Observations and Further Improvements”, Journal of Algorithms, Academic Press, No. 41, pp. 280-301, 2001.
112. L. Wang, W. Zhou and Weijia Jia, “The design and implementation of an active replication scheme for distributing services in a cluster of workstations", Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, 58 (Sept. 2001), pp. 199-210.
113. M. Li, Weijia Jia, and W. Zhao, “Simulation of Long-Range Dependent Traffic and a Simulator of TCP Arrival Traffic”, International Journal of Interconnection Networks, No.2, Vol. 3, September 2001, pp.305-315.
114. A. Raha, W. Zhao, S. Kamat and Weijia Jia, “Admission Control for hard real-time connection in ATM LANs”, IEE Proceedings–Communications, Vol. 148, No. 4, August 2001, pp.1—12.
115. Weijia Jia, and W. Zhang, “Object-Oriented Design of QoS Multicast Communications”, Cluster Computing: Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications, 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 4., July, 2001, pp.211-220.
116. D. Long, Weijia Jia and S. Peng, "The Varity Generated by Finite Locally Trivial Monoids", Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 25, 2001, pp.283-303.
117. D. Long, Weijia Jia, J. Ma and D. Zhou, “k-p-Infix Codes and Semaphore Codes”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 109, Issue 3, (May 2001), pp.237-252.
118. Weijia Jia, W. Zhou, and J. Kaiser, “Efficient Algorithms for Mobile Multicast using Anycast Group”, IEE Proceedings–Communications, Vol. 148, No. 1, February 2001, pp.14-18.
119. M Li, Weijia Jia, and W Zhao, “Correlation form of timestamp increment sequences of self-similar traffic on Ethernet”, IEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 19, Sept. 2000, pp.1668-1669.
120. M Li, Y-S Wu, B-H Xu, Weijia Jia, and W Zhao, “An On-Line Correction Technique of Random Loading with a Real Time Signal Processor for a Laboratory Fatigue Test”, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 28, No. 5, Sept. 2000, pp.409-414.
121. Weijia Jia, G Xu and W Zhao, "Integrated Fault-tolerant Multicast and Anycast Routing Algorithms", IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 147, No. 4, July 2000, pp.266-274.
122. J. Chen, L. Liu, and Weijia Jia “Improvement on Vertex Cover for Low Degree Graphs”, Journal of Networks, Volume 35, Issue 4, 2000, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp.253-259.
123. Weijia Jia, D. Xuan, Wei Zhao, “Integrated Routing Algorithms for Anycast Messages”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 38, No. 1, Jan. 2000, pp. 48 – 53.
124. Weijia Jia, J Cao, T-Y Cheung and X Jia, "A Multicast Protocol Based on a Single Logical Ring Using a Virtual Token and Logical Clock", The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, Vol. 42, No. 3, 1999, pp.202-220.
125. M. A. Livani, J. Kaiser and Weijia Jia, “Scheduling hard and soft real-time communication in CAN”, Control Engineering Practice (CEP) Vol. 7, Number 12, December 1999, pp. 1515-1523.
126. Weijia Jia and W Zhao, "Efficient Connection Admission Control Algorithms for Adaptive QoS Real-Time Connections over ATM Networks", European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT), AEI Publisher, 10 (2), March-April 1999, pp.135-151.
127. Weijia Jia, “Communicating object group and protocols for distributed systems”, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, Vol. 45, No. 2, March 1999, pp. 113-126.
128. X. Jia, J. Cao and Weijia Jia, “A classification of multicast mechanisms: Implementations and Applications”, Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier Science, Vol.45, No.2, Mar 1999, pp.99-112.
129. W. Zhao and Weijia Jia, "Efficient Adaptive Connection Admission Control Algorithms for Real-Time ATM Networks", Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier Science, Vol. 7, No. 12, December 1999, pp.1525-1532.
130. Weijia Jia, J. Cao, X Jia and C H Lee, "Design and Analysis of an Efficient and Reliable Atomic Multicast Protocol", Computer Communications, Elsevier, Vol. 21, 1998, pp.37-53. (Scopus 5) IF: 0.884
131. Weijia Jia and W. Zhao, "Fault-tolerant Scalable Multicast Algorithm with Piggybacking Approach on Logical Process Ring", IEE Proceedings-Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 145, No. 4, July 1998, pp.292-300.
132. X. Jia, K Makki, N Pissinou and Weijia Jia, "A Group Channel Routing Algorithms for Multimedia Conferencing Systems", Journal of Information Sciences, Elsevier Science, Vol.107, No.1-4, June 1998, pp.217-232.
133. Weijia Jia, "Modular Design and Implementation of Reliable Group Communication", International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, 5(4), December 1998.
134. Weijia Jia, "Implementation Reliable Multicast Protocol", Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, Vol. 27, No. 7, July 1997, pp. 813-850. IF: 0.713
135. Weijia Jia, J. Kaiser and E. Nett, "RMP: Fault-Tolerant Group Communication", IEEE Micro, Vol. 16, No. 2, April 1996, pp. 59-67.
136. Weijia Jia and G. Libert, "Distributed Implementations of Communicating Objects", Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Wiley, Vol. 7, No. 6, Sept. 1995, pp.515-541.
Books and Book Chapters:
137. Weijia Jia, X. Zhang, W. Yang, P. Li. Deep-Learning Based Dynamic Relation Extractions for English and Chinese, Science Press, Beijing, China (in press 2023) (500 pages).
138. [editor] Weijia Jia, Yong Tang, Raymond S. T. Lee, Michael A. Herzog, Hui Zhang, Tianyong Hao, Tian Wang: Emerging Technologies for Education - 6th International Symposium, SETE 2021, Zhuhai, China, November 11-12, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13089, Springer 2021, ISBN 978-3-030-92835-3.
139. [editor] Athman Bouguettaya, Yunjun Gao, Andrey Klimenko, Lu Chen, Xiangliang Zhang, Fedor Dzerzhinskiy, Weijia Jia, Stanislav V. Klimenko, Qing Li: Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2017 - 18th International Conference, Puschino, Russia, October 7-11, 2017, Proceedings, Part I. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10569, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-68782-7.
140. [editor] Athman Bouguettaya, Yunjun Gao, Andrey Klimenko, Lu Chen, Xiangliang Zhang, Fedor Dzerzhinskiy, Weijia Jia, Stanislav V. Klimenko, Qing Li: Web Information Systems Engineering - WISE 2017 - 18th International Conference, Puschino, Russia, October 7-11, 2017, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10570, Springer 2017, ISBN 978-3-319-68785-8
141. Weijia Jia and W. Zhou, “Distributed Network Systems”, Springer, Jan. 2005, ISBN 0-387-23839-5. (600 pages)
142. Y. Du, FP Tso and Weijia Jia, “A hybrid approach to communicate between WSN and UMTS with video quality measurements and predictions”, CRC Press, 2010 (Edited by Q. Li and T. Shih—Ubiquitous Multimedia Computing).
143. [editor] A. M. Goscinski, H. Ip, Weijia Jia and W. Zhou, ed. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Algorithms & Architectures for Parallel Processing, World Scientific Publication Co. Pte. Ltd, Nov. 2000, ISBN 981-02-4481-9.
144. [editor] Weijia Jia, Wanlei Zhou, H. Ip, and A. M. Goscinski, “Network based Parallel Computing”, Special Issue of International Journal of Interconnection Networks, Sept., 2001.
145. [editor] R. Kwan, Weijia Jia, J. Chan, A. Fong, R. Cheung, “Web-based Learning: Men & Machines”, Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Web-based Learning, World Scientific Publication Co., August 2002, ISBN 981-283-126-0.
146. Weijia Jia and Qing Li, "Web-Based Learning Systems", Special Issue of International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Published by Idea Group Publishing, USA.
147. Weijia Jia, “Mobile IP and Anycasting”, Book Chapter, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, edited by Yang Xiao and Yi Pan, Nova Science Publishers, Hardbound, 2004.
148. Weijia Jia, "Object-Oriented Programming-Smalltalk", Book published by CSU Press, 1990, China, 350 pages.
149. Weijia Jia, Fung Po Tso, Lizhuo Zhang and Yufei Du, “Videoconferencing for 3G Wireless Networks”, Handbook on Mobile Ad Hoc and Pervasive Communications, American Scientific Publishers, 25650 North Lewis Way, Stevenson Ranch, California 91381-1439, USA.2004
150. Weijia Jia and L. Lin, “Wireless Link Bandwidth Detection for IEEE 802.11 Networks”, Modeling and Simulation of Wireless Networks, Editors: Geyong Min, Yi Pan, Pingzhi Fan, Nova Science in 2006.
151. J. Wang and Weijia Jia, “Analysis of Connectivity for Sensor Networks Using Geometrical Probability”, Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing, 2006, American Scientific Publishers, 25650 North Lewis Way, Stevenson Ranch, California 91381-1439, USA.
152. Bo Han, Lizhou Zhang and Weijia Jia, “Connected Dominating Set for Topology Control in Ad Hoc Networks”, Mobile Intelligence: When Computational Intelligence Meets Mobile Paradigm, by John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2007, (eds: L. T. Yang, A. B. Waluyo, J. Ma).
Selected Top-tier International Conferences:
1. Chaohao Fu; Weijia Jia; Na Ruan, Client-Free Federated Unlearning via Training Reconstruction with Anchor Subspace Calibration, ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).
2. (IEEE Outstanding Paper Award) Z. Cao, X. Zhnag, J. Guo, W. Jia, T. Wang, “Cost-Effective Dynamic Alliance Pricing Mechanism Based on Distributed Edge-Intelligence”, The 21st IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications, Dec. 21-23, 2023, Wuhan, China
3. (Best Student Paper Award) S. Wu, Y. Li, Y. Xu, Q. Liu, W. Jia, T. Wang, EKDF: An Ensemble Knowledge Distillation Framework for Robust Collaborative Inference on Heterogeneous Edge Devices, The 19th International Conference on Mobility, Sensing and Networking, 14-16 Dec. 2023, Nanjing, China.
4. X Lin, W Jia, Z Gong, Self-distilled Transitive Instance Weighting for Denoised Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023, 168-180.
5. L Cheng, W Yang, Weijia Jia, A Scope Sensitive and Result Attentive Model for Multi-Intent Spoken Language Understanding, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2023), 37(11), pp.12691-12699.
6. H Cui, Z Tang, J Lou, W Jia, Online Container Scheduling for Low-Latency IoT Services in Edge Cluster Upgrade: A Reinforcement Learning Approach, 2023 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 1-6
7. R Bai, H Lin, X Yang, X Wu, M Li, Weijia Jia, Mixed Strategies for Security Games with General Defending Requirements, AAAI 2023 (to appear).
8. Xubin Wang, Weijia Jia, A Feature Weighting Particle Swarm Optimization Method to Identity Biomarker Genes, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, (BIBM 2022).
9. R Bai, H Lin, X Yang, X Wu, M Li, Weijia Jia: Mixed Strategies for Security Games with General Defending Requirements, IJCAI 2022: 46-52, 2022.
10. X Wei, M Zhou, Weijia Jia: Global Optimization Solution for Dynamic Adaptive 360-Degree Streaming. ICASSP 2022: 1-5.
11. R Bai, H Lin, X Yang, X Wu, M Li, W Jia, “Defending Against Contagious Attacks on a Network with Resource Reallocation”, AAAI 2021, 5135-5142.
12. Z. Sun, Y. Han, Z. Hua, N. Ruan, Weijia Jia: Improving the Efficiency and Robustness of Deepfakes Detection Through Precise Geometric Features, CVPR 2021: 3609-3618.
13. X. Lin, T. Liu, Weijia Jia, Z. Gong: Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction using Multi-Layer Revision Network and Confidence-based Multi-Instance Learning. EMNLP (1) 2021: 165-174.
14. Y. Huang, W Jia, Exploring Sentence Community for Document-Level Event Extraction, EMNLP-Findings, 2021, pp. 340-351.
15. T. Wang, Y. Li, Yuan Wu, L. Qian, L. Bin, Weijia Jia, Optimal Channel Sharing assisted Multi-user Computation Offloading via NOMA, IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), pp.1-6.
16. Cheng, Lizhi, Weijia Jia, and Wenmian Yang. "An Effective Non-Autoregressive Model for Spoken Language Understanding." Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2021/10/26, pp.241-250.
17. Cheng, Lizhi, Weijia Jia, and Wenmian Yang. "A Result based Portable Framework for Spoken Language Understanding." 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2021, pp.1-6.
18. Y. Song, T. Liu, Weijia Jia: Data Diversification Revisited: Why Does It Work? ICANN (3) 2021: 521-533.
19. Yuan Wu; Xu Xu; Liping Qian; Bo Ji; Zhiguo Shi; Weijia Jia, “Revenue-Sharing based Computation-Resource Allocation for Mobile Blockchain”, IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS).
20. T Liu, X Lin, W Jia, M Zhou, W Zhao, “Regularized Attentive Capsule Network for Overlapped Relation Extraction”, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2020.
21. P Li, X Zhang, W Jia, W Zhao, Active Testing: An Unbiased Evaluation Method for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction, EMNLP 2020
22. H. Lin, R. Bai, Weijia Jia, X. Yang and Y. You, "Preserving Dynamic Attention for Long-Term Spatial-Temporal Prediction," ACM SIGKDD 2020, 36-46 (accepted, 16.8%)
23. Z Tang, J Lou, F Zhang, W Jia, Dependent Task Offloading for Multiple Jobs in Edge Computing, 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, 1—9, 2020.
24. C. Tang; C. Zhu;X. Wei;Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues; Mohsen Guizani; Weijia Jia, UAV Placement Optimization for Internet of Medical Things, 2020 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC)
25. M Zhao, W Jia, Y Huang, “Attention-Based Aggregation Graph Networks for Knowledge Graph Information Transfer”, Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 542-554, 2020.
26. W. Yang, Weijia Jia, W. Yao, X. Zhou, Y. Luo, “Interactive Variance Attention based Online Spoiler Detection for Time-Sync Comments”, CIKM 2019.
27. W. Yang, Weijia Jia*, X. Zhou, Y. Luo, “Legal Judgment Prediction via Multi-Perspective Bi-Feedback Network”, IJCAI 2019.
28. Y. You, Weijia Jia*, T. Liu, W. Yang, Improving Abstractive Document Summarization with Salient Information Modeling, Proceedings of the 57th Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2132-2141, 2019/7.
29. X. Zhang, P. Li, Weijia Jia*, H.Zhao, “Multi-labeled Relation Extraction with Attentive Capsule Network”, AAAI, 2019, 7484-7491.
30. S Ma, S Guo, K Wang, W Jia, M Guo, A cyclic game for joint cooperation and competition of edge resource allocation, 2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS).
31. P. Li, X. Zhang, Weijia Jia∗, and H. Zhao, “GAN Driven Semi-distant Supervision for Relation Extraction”, The North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, NAACL 2019, Minneapolis, USA, June 2 - 7, 2019.
32. W. Yang, W. Gao, X. Zhou, Weijia Jia*, S. Zhang, Y. Luo, “Herding Effect based Attention for Personalized Time-Sync Video Recommendation”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), July 8-12, 2019, Shanghai, China.
33. Dongli Zhou, Na Ruan, Weijia Jia: A Robust Throughput Scheme for Bitcoin Network without Block Reward. HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2019: 706-713
34. T. Liu, X. Zhang, W. Zhou and Weijia Jia*, Neural Relation Extraction via Inner-Sentence Noise Reduction and Transfer Learning, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Oct. 31–Nov. 4, 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
35. R. Deng, N. Ruan, R. Jin, Y. Lu, W. Jia, C Su, D Xu, SpamTracer: Manual Fake Review Detection for O2O Commercial Platforms by Using Geolocation Features, International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, 384-403,2018.
36. S. Ma, J. Ding and Weijia Jia, TransT: Type-based Multiple Embedding Representations for Knowledge Graph Completion, The European Conference on Machine Learning & Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (Ecml-Pkdd2017), Skopje, Macedonia,18-22 September, 2017 (LNCS0534).
37. W. Yao, N. Ruan, F. Yu, W Jia, H Zhu, Privacy-Preserving Fraud Detection via Cooperative Mobile Carriers with Improved Accuracy, Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), 2017 14th Annual IEEE.
38. S. Ishiwatari, J. Yao, S. Liu, M. Li, M. Zhou, N. Yoshinaga, M. Kitsuregawa and W. Jia, Chunk-based Decoder for Neural Machine Translation, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2017), Vancouver, Canada, July 30-August 4, 2017.
39. X Zhou, K Wang, W Jia, M Guo, “Reinforcement learning-based adaptive resource management of differentiated services in geo-distributed data centers”, 2017 IEEE/ACM 25th International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 1-6.
40. M Wu, N Ruan, S Ma, H Zhu, W Jia, Q Xue, S Wu, “Detect SIP Flooding Attacks in VoLTE by Utilizing and Compressing Counting Bloom Filter”, International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, 2017 (Best Paper Second run-up)
41. W. Yao, Na Ruan, F. Yu, Weijia Jia, H. Zhu. Privacy-Preserving Fraud Detection via Cooperative Mobile Carriers with Improved Accuracy, IEEE SECON 2017.
42. Lin Cui, Fung Po Tso, Weijia Jia, “Heterogeneous Network Policy Enforcement in Data Centers”, 2017 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2017).
43. W Yang and Weijia Jia, “Crowdsourced Time-sync Video Tagging using Semantic Association Graph”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), July 10-14, Hong Kong, 547-552, 2017.
44. N. Ruan, L. Gao, H. Zhu, Weijia Jia, X. Li, Q. Hu: Toward Optimal DoS-Resistant Authentication in Crowdsensing Networks via Evolutionary Game. IEEE ICDCS 2016: 364-373.
45. Na Ruan, Qi Hu, Lei Gao, Haojin Zhu, Qingshui Xue, Weijia Jia, Jingyu Cui: A Traffic Based Lightweight Attack Detection Scheme for VoLTE. GLOBECOM 2016: 1-6
46. Yaoan Jin, Chunhua Su, Na Ruan, Weijia Jia: Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rules for Horizontally Distributed Databases Based on FP-Tree. ISPEC 2016: 300-314
47. Lin Cui, Fung Po Tso, Dimitrios P. Pezaros, Weijia Jia, Wei Zhao: Policy-Aware Virtual Machine Management in Data Center Networks. ICDCS 2015: 730-731
48. Lin Cui, Fung Po Tso, Dimitrios P. Pezaros, Weijia Jia: PLAN: A Policy-Aware VM Management Scheme for Cloud Data Centres. UCC 2015: 142-151.
49. Shuhong Chen, Guojun Wang, Weijia Jia: A Trust Model Using Implicit Call Behavioral Graph for Mobile Cloud Computing. CSS 2013: 387-402
50. Lin Cui, Weijia Jia: Weighted capacitated Popular Matching for task assignment in Multi-Camera Networks. International Teletraffic Congress 2013: 1-4
51. Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Bineng Zhong: Maximizing streaming flows based on a novel video streaming framework. International Teletraffic Congress 2013: 1-4
52. Tian Wang, Weijia Jia, Ping Shen: BlueCat: An Efficient Way for Relative Mobile Localization. ICDCS Workshops 2012: 209-215
53. H. Wang, Weijia Jia and G. Min, “Effective Channel Exploitation in IEEE 802.16j Networks for Maritime Communications”, IEEE ICDCS 2011.
54. Fung Po Tso, Cui. Lin, L. Zhang, Weijia Jia, Di Yao, Jin Teng, Dong Xuan, “DragonNet: A Robust Mobile Internet Service System for Long Distance Trains”, IEEE INFOCOM (2011)
55. Z. Yu, X. Bai, D. Xuan and Weijia Jia, “Connected Coverage in Wireless Networks with Directional Antennas”, IEEE INFOCOM (2011)
56. Zhen Ling, Xinwen Fu, Weijia Jia, Wei Yu and Dong Xuan, “A Novel Packet Size Based Covert Channel Attack against Anonymizer”, IEEE INFOCOM mini-conf (2011).
57. Fung Po TSO, Jin Teng, Weijia Jia, Dong Xuan, “Mobility: A Double-Edged Sword for HSPA Networks”, ACM MobiHoc 2010.
58. Lizhuo Zhang; Weijia Jia; Shifei Zhou; “Binomial Probability Redundancy Strategy for Multimedia Transmission”, 2010 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS), Page(s): 305 – 310.
59. Lin Liao; Weifeng Chen; Chuanlin Zhang; Lizhuo Zhang; Weijia Jia; “Wireless Access Point Deployment for Both Coverage and Localization”, 2010 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage (NAS), Page(s): 348 – 356.
60. Lizhuo Zhang; Weijia Jia; Sheng Wen; Di Yao; “A Man-in-the-Middle Attack on 3G-WLAN Interworking”, IEEE International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC), 2010, Page(s): 121 – 125.
61. T. Wang and Weijia Jia, “Efficient WiFi Deployment Algorithms based on Realistic Mobility Characteristics”, IEEE MASS 2010, pp.1—6.
62. Wang, Hanwu, Weijia Jia; “Effective traffic control in IEEE 802.16j WiMAX networks”, 18th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2010, pp. 1– 5.
63. Xiaole Bai, Ziqiu Yun, Dong Xuan, Weijia Jia and Wei Zhao, "Pattern Mutation in Wireless Sensor Deployment", IEEE INFOCOM (2010) pp.1-9.
64. Jin Zheng; Weijia Jia; Guojun Wang; Jie Wu; “Target Trajectory Querying in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2010, pp.1–6.
65. Yuan Yuan, Kui Wu and Weijia Jia, “On the Queueing Behavior of Network Coding”, The 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Network Coding (NetCod 2010), pp.1-6.
66. Peng, Shaoliang; Xing, Guoliang; Li, Shanshan; Jia, Weijia; Peng, Yuxing; “Fish a lake: Fast release/capture sampling in large-scale sensor networks” 18th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2010, pp. 1 – 8.
67. Weijia Jia, Posco TSO, Xinwen Fu, Zheng Lin, Dong Xuan and Wei Yu, “Blind Detection of Spread Spectrum Flow Watermarks”, Infocom 2009. IEEE The 28th Conference on Computer Communications. 19-25 April 2009, pp. 2195 - 2203.
68. Zhen Ling, Junzhou Luo, Wei Yu, Xinwen Fu, Dong Xuan and Weijia Jia, “A New Cell Counter Based Attack Against Tor”, 2009 ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference (CCS2009), November 9-13, 2009, Chicago, IL, USA pp.578-589.
69. X. Bai, C. Zhang, J. Teng, D. Xuan and W. Jia, Low-Connectivity and Full-Coverage Three Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks, The 10th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc 2009).
70. Xiaole Bai, Chuanlin Zhang, Dong Xuan and Weijia Jia, “Constructing Multiple-Connectivity and Full-Coverage Three Dimensional Networks”, INFOCOM 2009. 19-25 April 2009, pp.388 - 396.
71. Jin Teng, C. Xu, Weijia Jia and Dong Xuan, “D-Scan: Enabling Fast and Smooth Handoff in AP-dense 802.11 Wireless Networks”, INFOCOM 2009. 19-25 April 2009, pp.2616-2620.
72. Yuan Yuan, Shanshan Li, Kui Wu, Weijia Jia and Yuxing Peng, “FOCUS: A Cost-Effective Approach for Large-Scale Crop Monitoring with Sensor Networks”, IEEE MASS 2009.
73. X. Fu, Z. Ling, J. Luo, W. Yu, W. Jia, and W. Zhao, “One cell is enough to break tor's anonymity”, In Proceedings of Black Hat DC, White Paper, Feb. 2009.
74. Kui Wu; Weijia Jia; Yuan Yuan; Yuming Jiang, “Performance modeling of stochastic networks with network coding”, Workshop on Network Coding, Theory, and Applications, 2009. NetCod '09, 15-16 June 2009, pp.6 - 11.
75. Jia Hu; Geyong Min; Weijia Jia; Woodward, M.E.; “Admission Control in the IEEE 802.11e WLANs Based on Analytical Modelling and Game Theory” IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, GLOBECOM 2009, pp. 1 – 6.
76. Geyong Min; Jia Hu; Weijia Jia; Woodward, M.E., “Performance Analysis of the TXOP Scheme in IEEE 802.11e WLANs with Bursty Error Channels”, IEEE Intern. Conference on Wireless Communications and Networking, (WCNC 2009), 5-8 April 2009, pp.1 – 6.
77. Nan Xu, Fan Zhang, Yisha Luo, Weijia Jia, Dong Xuan and Jin Teng, "Stealthy Video Capturer: A New Video-based Spyware in 3G Smartphones", The 2nd ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec), 2009.
78. J. Hu, G. Min and WOODWARD, M E, "Performance Analysis of the TXOP Scheme in IEEE 802.11e WLANs with Bursty Error Channels", Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2009. WCNC 2009. IEEE, Hungary, 5-8 April 2009.
79. Xiaole Bai, Ziqiu Yun, Dong Xuan, Ten-Hwang Lai and Weijia Jia, "Complete Optimal Deployment Patterns for Full-Coverage and k-Connectivity (k<6) Wireless Sensor Networks", The 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc'08) pp.401—410.
80. Guoliang Xing, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia and Minming Li, "Rendezvous Design Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Base Station", The 9th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc'08), pp.231—239.
81. Guoliang Xing; Weijia Jia; Yufei Du; Posco Tso; Mo Sha; Xue Liu, “Toward ubiquitous Video-based Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 12-15 Oct. 2008 Page(s):48 – 53.
82. Wenjun Gu, Zimin Yang, Can Que, Dong Xuan, and Weijia Jia, "On Security Vulnerabilities of Null Data Frames in IEEE 802.11 based WLANs", ICDCS, Beijing, 2008.
83. Xiaole Bai, Ziqiu Yun, Dong Xuan, Ten-Hwang Lai and Weijia Jia, “Deploying Four-Connectivity and Full-Coverage Wireless Sensor Networks”, The 27th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (Infocom 2008), 13—18 April, 2008, pp. 296—300.
84. Jia Hu, Geyong Min, Weijia Jia, Mike E. Woodward, Admission Control in the IEEE 802.11e WLANs based on Analytical Modelling and Game Theory, IEEE Globecom 2009.
85. Guoliang Xing, Weijia Jia, Yufei Du, Posco Tso, Mo Sha and Xue Liu, “Toward ubiquitous Video-based Cyber-Physical Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008, Oct. 2008 Page(s):48-53.
86. Chun Jason Xue, T. Liu, Z. Shao, J. Hu, Z. Jia, Weijia Jia, E. H.-M. Sha, "Address Assignment Sensitive Variable Partitioning and Scheduling for DSPS with Multiple Memory Banks", The 33rd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP08).
87. J. ZHEN, J, ZHIQIANG, W and Weijia JIA, "N-Module Based Self-Adaptive Contention Resolution Scheme for WiMAX P2MP Network", 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC '08, PRC, 25-27 September 2008.
88. J. GUOJUN, W, Weijia JIA and YONGMING, X, "Node-Disjoint Multipath Routing with Zoning Method in MANETs", 10th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, HPCC '08, PRC, 25-27 Sept. 2008.
89. WANG, H W and Weijia JIA, "Scalable and Adaptive Resource Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Networks", Global Telecommunications Conference, 2008. IEEE GLOBECOM 2008. IEEE, USA, 30 Nov. - 4 Dec. 2008.
90. GUOJUN, W and JIA, W, "Virtual Ring-Based Hole Avoiding Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008, Australia, 8-10 Dec. 2008.
91. P. Tso, Y. Du and Weijia Jia, "Design of an Efficient and Robust Multimedia Gateway for Pervasive Communication", IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2008, 24-26 April 2008, pp: 334-340.
92. H. Wang and Weijia Jia, Scalable and Adaptive Resource Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 WiMAX Networks, IEEE Globecom 2008 Wireless Networking Symposium.
93. Lin Liao and Weijia Jia, Centroid Based Classification Model for Location Distinction in Dynamic Wireless Network', IEEE Globecom 2008 Computer and Communications Network Security Symposium (GC'08 CCNS).
94. J. Ye, J. Wang, Liang Rong, and Weijia Jia, TCP-PCP: A Transport Control Protocol based on the Prediction of Congestion Probability over Wired/Wireless Hybrid Networks, IEEE Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2008.
95. D. Chen; Q. Zhang; Weijia Jia, “Aggregation Aware Spectrum Assignment in Cognitive Ad-hoc Networks”, 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CrownCom 2008), 15-17 May 2008 Page(s):1 – 6.
96. F. Po Tso; Y. Du; Weijia Jia; Design of an efficient and robust multimedia gateway for pervasive communication, Wireless Telecommunications Symposium, 2008. 24-26 April 2008 Page(s):334 – 340.
97. Q. Mo; G. Wang; Weijia Jia; S. Peng, Virtual Ring-Based Hole Avoiding Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 14th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2008. ICPADS '08. 8-10 Dec. 2008 Page(s):377 – 382.
98. J. Hu; Geyong Min; Woodward, M.E.; Weijia Jia; A Comprehensive Analytical Model for IEEE 802.11e QoS Differentiation Schemes under Unsaturated Traffic Loads, IEEE International Conference on Communications, 19-23 May 2008, 241 – 245.
99. Guoliang Xing, Tian Wang, Zhihui Xie and Weijia Jia, “Rendezvous Planning in Mobility-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks”, The 28th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec. 3-6, 2007 (RTSS 2007), Tucson, Arizona, USA, pp.311-320.
100. Posco Tso, Lizhuo Zhang and Weijia Jia, “Video Surveillance Patrol Robot System in 3G Internet and Sensor Networks”, Proc. of 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2007) demo, Nov. 6 – 9, 2007, Sydney, Australia.
101. Weijia Jia, Guoliang Xing, Posco Tso, and Bin Dai, “AnySense: a Video Communication Architecture for Urban Sensing Applications”, Proc. of 5th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys 2007) workshop, Nov. 6-9, 2007, Sydney, Australia.
102. J. Zhang, Q. Zhang, and Weijia Jia, "A Novel MAC Protocol for Cooperative Downloading in Vehicular Networks", IEEE Globecom, 26-30 Nov. 2007, Page(s):4974 - 4978.
103. J. Wang, L. Rong, G. Wang, Weijia Jia and M. Guo "Design of a Stabilizing Second-Order Congestion Controller for Large-Delay Networks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 24-28 June 2007.
104. G. Wang, T. Wang, Weijia Jia, M. Guo, H. Chen and M. Guizani," Local Update-Based Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks", IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2007.
105. D. Lu, G. Wang, Weijia Jia and L. Zhang, "Local Retransmission-based Gossip Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 11-15, March 2007, Hong Kong.
106. Weijia Jia, G. Wang, T. Wang, M. Guo "Hole Avoiding in Advance Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 11-15 March 2007, Hong Kong.
107. L. Lin, Weijia Jia, B. Han and L. Zhang "Performance Improvement using Dynamic Contention Window Adjustment for Initial Ranging in IEEE 802.16 P2MP Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 11-15 March 2007, Hong Kong.
108. P. Du, Weijia Jia, L. Huang, W. Lu, "Centralized Scheduling and Channel Assignment in Multi-Channel Single-Transceiver WiMax Mesh Network", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 11-15 March 2007, Hong Kong.
109. L. Lin, Weijia Jia and W. Lu "Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.16 Multicast and Broadcast Polling based Bandwidth Request", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 11-15 March 2007, Hong Kong.
110. H. Huang J. Wang and Weijia Jia, "Downlink Temporal Fairness in 802.11 WLAN Adopting the Virtual Queue Management", IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference (WCNC), 11-15 March 2007, Hong Kong.
111. J. Li, Weijia Jia, L. Huang, M. Xiao and J. Wang, "Efficient Source Peer Selection Algorithm for Hybrid P2P File Sharing", The 7th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing, 2007.
112. B. Han and Weijia Jia, “Efficient Construction of Weakly-Connected Dominating Set for Clustering Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, Proc. IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2006.
113. Z. Zhang, Weijia Jia and X. Li, "Enhancing Duplicate Collection Detection Through Replica Boundary Discovery" , Proc. 10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2006), Singapore, April 9-12, 2006., LNCS 3918, Springer, pp.361-370.
114. Weijia Jia, "Adaptive Multimedia Flow Regulation and Delay Analysis for End-hosts in P2P Networks", Proc. IEEE ICME 2006 Conference.
115. L. Lin, B. Han and Weijia Jia, "Modeling and Performance Analysis of Initial Connection in IEEE 802.16 PMP Networks", Proc. IEEE ICME 2006 Conference.
116. Chow Kin Wah, Qing Li and Weijia Jia, "Energy-Aware Routing Analysis in Wireless Sensors Network", International Workshop on Sensor Networks (IWSN), APWeb 2006 Workshops, LNCS 3842, Springer, pp.345-349.
117. W. Du, Weijia Jia and W. Lu, "Backtracking Based Handoff Rerouting Algorithm for WiMAX Mesh Mode", LNCS 4159/2006, pp.341-350.
118. W. Lu, Weijia Jia, W. Du and L. Lin, "A Base Station-Coordinated Contention Resolution for IEEE 802.16 PMP Networks", LNCS 4159/2006, pp.605-614.
119. B. Han, F. Po Tso, L. Lin and Weijia Jia, "Performance Evaluation of Scheduling in IEEE 802.16 Based Wireless Mesh Networks", The First International Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks and Applications (WiMa06), in conjunction with IEEE MASS, October 9-12, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, pp.789-794.
120. J. Li, L. Huang, Weijia Jia, M. Xiao and P. Du, "An Efficient Implementation of File Sharing Systems on the Basis of WiMAX and Wi-Fi", The First International Workshop on Wireless Mesh Networks and Applications (WiMa06), in conjunction with IEEE MASS, Oct. 9-12, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, pp.819-824.
121. (Best Paper Award) Weijia Jia, W. Tu and J. Wu, “Hierarchical Multicast Tree Algorithms for Application Layer Mesh Networks”, Proc. of 2005 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC 2005), 549-559, CCF and IEEE Computer Society. LNCS 3619.
122. Weijia Jia, W. Tu and W. Zhao, “Multi-shared-trees based multicast routing control protocol using anycast selection”, The International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, Taylor & Francis Ltd, Vol. 20, No. 1, 2005, 69–84.
123. L. Lin, H. Fu and Weijia Jia, "An Efficient Admission Control for IEEE 802.11 Networks Based on Throughput Analyses of (Un)saturated Channel", 2005 IEEE GLOBECOM.
124. L. LIN and Weijia JIA, “An Efficient Method for End-to-end Available Bandwidth Measurement”, International Teletraffic Congress (ITC) 2005, 353-262.
125. Y. Zhang, S. Liu, Weijia Jia, X. Cheng, “BluePower - A New Distributed Multihop Scatternet Formation Protocol for Bluetooth Networks”, ICPP 2005.
126. Weijia Jia, B. Han, H. Fu, J. Shen and C. Yuen, “Efficient Implementation of 3G-324M Protocol Stack for Multimedia Communication”, IEEE 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, July 20-22, 2005, Fukuoka, Japan.
127. M.-C. Yuen, Weijia Jia, C. Cheung, “Efficient Distributed QoS Routing Protocol for MPLS Networks”, IEEE 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, July 20 - 22, 2005, (FIT), Fukuoka, Japan.
128. H. Fu, L. Lin and Weijia Jia, “Efficient Wireless Link Bandwidth Detection for IEEE 802.11 Networks”, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2005), 16-20 May 2005, Seoul, Korea.
129. F. Qi , J. Zheng, Weijia Jia and G J Wang, "Available Bandwidth Measurement Schemes over Networks", Proc. of 2005 International Conference on Computer Networks and Mobile Computing (ICCNMC 2005), 931-940.
130. J. Wang, L. Liu and Weijia Jia, "Design and Implementation of Digital Signal Processing Virtual Lab Based on Components", Proc. of 2005 International Conference on Web-based Learning, 229-238.
131. B. Han and Weijia Jia, "Design and Analysis of Connected Dominating Set Formation for Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks", IEEE Proc. ICCCN, 2005.
132. W. Tu and Weijia Jia, "A Scalable and Efficient End Host Multicast Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Systems—DSCT", IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05), pp. 392-399.
133. Weijia Jia et al, "Efficient Multiplexing Protocol for Low Bit Rate Multipoint Video Conferencing", Proceedings of Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: First International Conference, Wuhan, China, Dec. 13-15, 2005, pp. 207 - 218.
134. Weijia Jia and M.-C. Yuen, "SIP-based Adaptive Multimedia Transmissions for Wired and Wireless Networks", Proc. 6th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies, Hong Kong, China, Oct. 27-28, 2005, LNCS 3756.
135. Weijia Jia, J. Shen and H. Fu, Object-Oriented Design and Implementations of 3G-324M Protocol Stack, Proc. ICA3PP 2005, LNCS3719, pp.435-441, 2005.
136. Weijia Jia, B. Han, Ji Shen and Van Fu, "Next Generation Networks Architecture and Layered End-to-End QoS Control ", Proc. ISPA05, LNCS3758/2005, pp. 1055 - 1064.
137. F. Qi, Weijia Jia, F. Bao and Y. Wu, "Batching SSL/TLS Handshake Improved", LNCS 3783-0402, ICICS 2005, Beijing, China.
138. G. Wang, D. Lu, Weijia Jia and J. Cao, Reliable Gossip-Based Broadcast Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Proceedings Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks: First International Conference, MSN 2005, Wuhan, China, Dec. 13-15, 2005, pp.207 - 218.
139. W. Tu and Weijia Jia, “Multicast Protocol for Overlay Networks”, Proc. SKG 05.
140. B. Han, Weijia Jia, J. Shen, M.-C. Yuen, “Context-Awareness in Mobile Web Services”, ISPA 2004, LNCS 3358, pp.519-528.
141. W. Tu and Weijia Jia, “End Host Multicast for Peer-to-Peer Systems”, GCC 2004, LNCS 3251, pp. 502–510.
142. Weijia Jia, and J. Wang, “Analysis of Connectivity for Sensor Networks using Geometrical Probability”, EUC04, LNCS 3207, pp.601-611.
143. J. Chen, Q. Li and Weijia Jia, “Automatically Generating an E-textbook on the Web”, ICWL 04, LNCS 3143, pp.35-42.
144. J. Wang, B. Peng and Weijia Jia, “Design and Implementation of Virtual Computer Network Lab Based on Ns2 in the Internet”, ICWL 04, LNCS 3143, pp.346-353.
145. H. Fu, P. O. Au and Weijia Jia, “Performance Evaluations of Replacement Algorithms in Hierarchical Web Caching”, WAIM 2004, LNCS 3129, pp.176-185.
146. Weijia Jia, J. Jiao and C. Zhang, “Effective Admission Control for Real-time Anycast Flow”, ISPA 2003, LNCS 2745, pp. 228-238.
147. L. Cheng, P. Au and Weijia Jia, “Wireless AnyServer –A Mobile ad hoc web-based learning system”, LNCS 2783, pp. 37-45, 2003.
148. P. Au, L. Cheng, Weijia Jia and KO Chow, “A web-based platform for e-learning information management system”, LNCS 2783, pp. 46-54, 2003.
149. J. Wang, W. Lu and Weijia Jia, “A new architecture for web-based virtual laboratory with CORBA technology”, LNCS 2783, pp. 104-113, 2003.
150. J. Chen, I. Kanj, and Weijia Jia, “Vertex Cover: further observation and further improvements”, LNCS 1665, pp. 313-324.
151. Chen, J., Liu, L., Weijia Jia, and Chen, S., “An intuitive and effective new representation for interconnection network structures”, ISAAC'00, LNCS 1969, pp. 350-361.
152. D. Long and Weijia Jia, “On the Optimal Coding”, PRCM 2001, LNCS 2195, 94-101.
153. J. Chen, I. Kanj, D Friesen and Weijia Jia, “Using Nondeterminism to Design Efficient Deterministic Algorithms”, LNCS 2245, pp. 120-131, 2001.
154. S. Luo, S. Sha, DY Shen, Weijia Jia, “Conceptual Network Based Courseware Navigation and Web Presentation Mechanisms”, LNCS 2436, pp.81-91.
155. W. Tu and Weijia Jia, “Adaptive Playback Buffer for Wireless Streaming Media”, IEEE International Conference on Networks 2004, Nov. 16-19, 2004, Singapore, pp.191-195.
156. B. Han, H. Fu, L. Lin and W. Jia, Efficient Construction of Connected Dominating Set in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”, Proc. of 1st IEEE Intern. Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, (MASS01).
157. B. Han, H. Fu, J. Shen, P. O. Au and W. Jia, “Design and Implementation of 3G-324M - An Event-Driven Approach”, Proc. IEEE VTC’04 Fall, 2004.
158. J. Shen, B. Han, H. Fu, and W. Jia, “End-to-End Wireless Multimedia Transmission System”, Proc. IEEE VTC’04 Fall, 2004.
159. W. Tu and Weijia Jia, “A Scalable and Efficient End Host Multicast for Peer-to-Peer Systems-DSCT”, 2004 IEEE GLOBECOM, Vol. 2, pp.967 - 971.
160. Weijia Jia, H. Wang, J. Fang and W. Zhao, “Delay Guarantee for Real-time Traffic Flows with High Rate”, ITC03, 2003, pp.1241-1250.
161. J. Wang, Zheng Y, Weijia Jia, “An AODV-based anycast protocol in mobile ad hoc network”, 14th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, SEP 07-10, PIMRC 2003, VOLS 1-3, pp. 221-225.
162. Weijia Jia, C. Zhang, L. Lin, W. Tu and J. Jiao, “Effective Real-time Anycast Flow Connection Algorithm and Delay Analysis”, ICPP2003.
163. Weijia Jia, W. Tu and L Lin, “Efficient Distributed Admission Control for Anycast Flows”, ICCNMC-03, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp.78-85.
164. Weijia Jia, H. Wang, M. Tang and W. Zhao, “Effective Delay Control for High Rate Heterogeneous Real-time Flows”, 23rd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2003).
165. J. Wang, Yuan Z., C. Leung, Weijia Jia, “A-DSR: A DSR-Based Anycast Protocol for IPv6 Flow in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”, Proc. IEEE VTC, Oct. 6-9, 2003, Orlando, Florida, USA.
166. W. Jia, P-O. Au, G. Xu, and W. Zhao, “Scalable Multicast Routing Protocol using Anycast and Hierarchical-Trees”, Proc. of 27th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Nov. 6-8, 2002, Tampa, Florida, USA, pp. 572-581.
167. J. Chen, I. Kanj, D Friesen and W. Jia, “Using Nondeterminism to Design Efficient Deterministic Algorithms”, 21st Foundations of Software Technology & Theoretical Computer Science, Dec. 13-15, 2001.
168. W. Jia, G. Xu and W. Zhao, “Integrated Routing Protocol for Multicast and Anycast Messages”, IEEE ICPP01, 2001.pp. 561-568.
169. D. Xuan and Weijia Jia, “Distributed Admission Control for Anycast Flows with QoS Requirements”, IEEE ICDCS01, 2001, pp.292-300.
170. J. Cao, G.H. Chan, T. Dillon, and Weijia Jia, “Checkpointing and Rollback of Wide-area Distributed Applications using Mobile Agents”, IEEE IPDPS01, 2001.
171. J. Chen, I. Kanj, Weijia Jia, and L. Liu, “Improved Exponential Time Algorithms for Vertex Cover”, DIMACS Workshop on Faster Exact Solutions for NP-Hard Problems, Princeton, NJ, Feb. 23-24, 2000.
172. J. Chen, Weijia Jia, L. Liu and S. Chen, “An Intuitive and Effective New Representation for Interconnection Network Structures”, Proc. 11th Annual International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC '00), 2000.
173. Chen, J., Kanj, I. A., and Weijia Jia, “Vertex Cover: further observation and further improvements”, Proc. of the 25th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, (WG'99), Ascona, Switzerland, June 17-19, 1999.
174. Weijia Jia, W Zhao, D Xuan and G Xu, “An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Multicast Routing Protocol with Core-based Tree Techniques, ICPP, 1999, pp.508-515.
175. Weijia Jia, Hanwu Wang, An Optimized Assisted Hybridcast Transmission Scheme in Mobile Wireless Networks, 2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, 848-855.
176. J. Ding, Weijia Jia, Jointly Modeling Structural and Textual Representation for Knowledge Graph Completion in Zero-Shot Scenario, The Asia Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint Conference on Web and Big Data, 23-25 July 2018, Macau.
177. Y. You, Weijia Jia, “Neural Typing Entities in Chinese-pedia”, The Asia Pacific Web (APWeb) and Web-Age Information Management (WAIM) Joint Conference on Web and Big Data, 23-25 July 2018, Macau.
178. J Shi, W Jia, Real-Time Target Tracking Through Mobile Crowdsensing, International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, 3-18, 2017, Web Information Systems Engineering-WISE2017.
179. Nan Xu, Weijia Jia, “Numen: Where and what are you doing now”, 2010 International Conference on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE), Page(s): 338 – 343.
180. Sheng Wen; Weijia Jia; Wei Zhou; Wanlei Zhou; Chuan Xu; “CALD: Surviving Various Application-Layer DDoS Attacks That Mimic Flash Crowd”, 2010 4th International Conference on Network and System Security (NSS), Page(s): 247 – 254.
181. Weijia Jia, Dai Bin and Lin Liao, "Architecture of Secure Cross-Platform and Network Communications", Proc. ACM Second International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, ICUIMC 08 Jan. 31 - Feb., 2008, Suwon, Korea, (Invited Paper), pp.338—345.
1. US Patent: “Mobile internet service system for long distance trains”, US 9258759 B2.
2. US Patent: “Silence-based adaptive real-time voice and video transmission methods and system”, US 8438016 B2.
3. China Patent: On-line recognition and counting method and systems, Number: CN200310110417.5, 16/10/2003. Inventors: Weijia Jia,
4. China Patent: “A digital pad input coding method”, Number: CN00113509.0, 27/6/2000. Inventors: Weijia Jia,
5. China Patent: “A multimedia input approach”, Application Number: 201010281203.4, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Shen Ping, Zhang Lizhuo and Zhou Lei, Filing date: Sept 15, 2010
6. China Patent: “A Distributed Input for Internet”, Application Number: 201010281214.2, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Zhang, Lizhuo, Shen Ping and Zhou Lei, Filing date: Sept 15, 2010.
7. China Patent: “A Distributed Multimedia Sensor Control System”, Patent number: ZL2016 2 1029917.5, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Sufeng Duan, Hongjian Peng.
8. China Patent: “Bullet-screen comments based Video-tag Extraction”, Patent Number: CN162778.1, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Wenmian Yang.
9. China Patent: “Telcom Fraud Detection and Privacy Protection System and Approach” Patent Number: CN170075.1,Na Ruan, Weijia Jia and Ming Zhao.
10. China Patent: “An Approach for Entity Extraction”, Patent Number: CN181403.1, 2018/6/20,Inventors: Weijia Jia, Xinsong Zhang, Pengshuai Li, Tianyi Liu.
11. China Patent: “A Method for Dynamic Knowledge Graph”, Patent Number: CN180845.1, 2018/4/18,Inventors:Weijia Jia, Jianhui Ding, Shiheng Ma.
12. China Patent: “Adaptive Approach for Container Migration for Fog Computing”, Application Number: 2017112889674, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Zhiqing Tang.
13. China Patent: “Task Scheduling for Distributed Computing System”, Application Number: 2018115642894, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Zhiqing Tang.
14. China Patent: “Container Layer-dependency On-line Scheduling for Edge Computing”, Application Number: 202110808603.4, 2021.7.17, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Zhiqing Tang and Ping Shen.
15. China Patent: “Service-Chain Placement using Reinforcement Learning for Edge Computing”, Application Number: 202110925129.3, 2021.8.12, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Songli Zhang and Ping Shen.
16. China Patent: “Container Downloading and Layer Assignment Scheduling Architecture and Algorithms for Edge Computing”, Application Number: 2021.7.17 202110808605.3, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Jiong Luo, Zhiqing Tang and Ping Shen.
17. China Patent: “A Capsule Network Architecture for Numerical Reasoning”, Application Number: 2021.8.13, 202110926468.3, Inventors: Weijia Jia, Tianyi Liu, Yuheng Song and Ping Shen.
Research Grants (PI-Principal Investigator) (Total ~RMB 56M ~= US$ 8M)
Recent Funding from Government of China (PI)
1. No. 62272050, Efficient Edge Scheduling based on Representative and Reinforcement Learning, National Science Fund of China,2023.1-- 2026.12,RMB 540k,PI.
2. No. 2020KSYS007, Guangdong Key Lab of AI and Multi-modal Data Processing, United International College (UIC), Guangdong Provincial Department of Education: RMB 1M, 2020.1-- 2023.12, PI.
3. Future Networks (BNU-Zhuhai) and Engineering Center of AI and Future Education, Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology, China;Guangdong Provincial Department of Science & Tech: RMB 1M, 2021.1-2024.12, PI.
4. No: ZH22017001210119PWC, 5G Oriented Mobile Edge Computing, Zhuhai Science-Tech Innovation Bureau, RMB 800k, 2021.1-2024.12, PI.
5. Beijing Normal University Start-up Fund RMB 3M, 2020.6-2025.5, PI.
6. Beijing Normal University Research Fund RMB 1M, 2021.12-- 2022.12, PI.
7. UIC Start-up Fund RMB 3M, 2020.6-2025.5, PI.
8. UIC-HKBU Collaboration Fund: RMB 1M, 2020.6-2025.5, PI.
9. No. 61872239,Edge based IoT Resource and Service Matching Algorithms, National Science Fund of China,2019.1-2022.12, RMB 680k,PI.
10. No. 61532013: Sensing and Association for Large scaled Man-Machine-Things, Key project of National Science Fund of China (NSFC) RMB 3.5Million, 2016.1-2020.12 (Completed).
11. No. 2015CB352401: Ubiquitous data sensing and association for triple space, sub-project of Chinese National China 973, RMB 1 M. (Total fund RMB 15M), 2016-2019 (Completed).
12. No.15JC140240, Heterogenous Big Data fusion, theory and technology, Shanghai Scientific Innovation Act of STCSM, RMB0.6M. 2016-2019 (PI Completed).
13. No. WF220103001, Environmental Sensing and IoT Design, 985 Project of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, RMB 5M, 2014-2018 (Completed).
14. No. 2003CB317003, Fundamental Theory, Model and Method on Semantic Grid, National China 973 RMB 20 M, (Co-PI with funding RMB300k), 2004, (Completed).
Funding from Government of Macau (PI):
15. No: 0060/2019/A1: Representation and Reinforcement Learning Algorithms and Implementations for Task-Resource Scheduling in Distributed Systems, FDCT: MOP 2,600,000. 2019-2022 (1 USD ~= MOP 8).
16. No: FDCT/025/2015/AMJ: WInternet: Internet Collaboration Environment Research Project, Science and Research Funding Agency of Macau (FDCT): MOP 1,099,000, 2017-2020
17. No: 0007/2018/A1, Ternary Networking Information Entity Sensing and Knowledge Graph Completion, Science and Research Funding Agency of Macau (FDCT): FDCT, MOP 2,814,000. 2018-2021
18. No: MYRG2018-00237-RTO: Sensing and Knowledge Graph Constructions of Big Objects in Cyberspace, University of Macau, MOP: 1,500,000, 2019-2022
19. No CPG2018-00032-FST, project of University of Macau, Total amount: MOP 1,500,000, 2018-2021.
20. No: SRG2018-00111-FST: SRG project University of Macau, Total amount: MOP 500,000, 2021-2021.
Applied R&D Grants supported by Government of Hong Kong (PI):
21. No: GHP/023/07: ITF Fund (Hong Kong Innovation Technology Fund), HK$9.6M, Cross-platform Cyber/Wireless Security System in Enterprise: Design and Implementations, 2008--2010, Completed.
22. (CityU Applied R&D Funding—ARD): HK$1.5M: 9668009, Wireless Peer-to-Peer (WP2P) Computing: Platforms and Protocols (PI), 2006-2008, Completed.
23. No: GHP/052/05: ITF Fund--HK$9.5M, “Digital Network Platform Technology and Equipment for Ubiquitous Communications”, Hong Kong Innovation Technology Fund, (PI), 2005—2008, Completed.
24. No. JCYJ20120618115257259, 2012: RMB 200K: Research on Matching Algorithms for Mobile Video Streaming Service and System Resources, Shenzhen (China) Basic Research Fund (Completed).
25. RMB300k, Quasi-4G Based Heterogeneous Mobile Networks Interactive Multimedia Communication Platform), HK-ShenZhen Innovation Technology Cycle Fund (ShenZhen, China), 2008-2010, Completed.
26. Security Auditing System, Industrial Development Fund, funding body--ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen, China, RMB1.1M –2007-2009, Completed.
Funding from Hong Kong Government (RGC&General Research Fund --PI):
27. 2012: GRF-9041766: Pervasive Mobile Video Alarm & Surveillance Network and System, Award (HK$): 905,425, Completed.
28. 2011: (NSF, China: 61070222): Multi-radio and bandwidth Association: Theory and Technology, RMB 360,000, 2011-2013, Completed.
29. 2009: RMB200K, “3G-WiFi Trusted Communication Platform: Key Technology Research”. Shen Zhen Government Basic Research Plan, 2009 ShenZhen Science & Tech Basic Research Foundations, China (Completed).
30. 2009: (GRF-CityU114609): “3G Bandwidth Bundling for Ubiquitous Wireless Communications”, HK$1,188k, Completed.
31. 2008: (GRF-CityU114908): “Optimal Deployment of m-Coverage and k-Connectivity Wireless Sensor Networks”, HK$410k, Completed.
32. 2006: (GRF-CityU113906): “QoS-Aware Efficient Connection and Scheduling Algorithms for PMP and Mesh Modes in IEEE 802.16 MAC Layer”, HK$356k; Completed.
33. 2002: (GRF-CityU1039/02E) “Anycast Flow Control Protocol Design, Analysis and Implementations in Internet and Mobile Networks”, HK$413k; Completed.
34. 2001: (GRF-CityU1055/01E) “Efficient Anycast Group Protocols for Mobile Communications”, HK$887k; Completed
35. 2000: (GRF-CityU 1076/00E) “Adaptive QoS Routing Protocols for Anycast & Multicast Messages”, HK$624k, Completed.
36. 2011: (PJ9667052: CityU Applied Research Grant -- ARG): HK$ 1023k, Efficient Femtocell Networking System for Social-Link Aware Mobile Communications, Completed.
37. 2011: (6351006: CityU Applied R & D Funding (ARD): HK$435k, ThumbVM: Mobile Phone Virtual Machines and Platform to Access Cloud Computing Services (PI), Completed.
38. 2010: (9667033: CityU Applied Research Grant -- ARG): HK$200k, Implementation of Prototype of Personal Gateway for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks (PI), Completed
39. 2010: 7008110, (SRG-Fd): HK$180k, Chain-net: A Robust Mobile Internet Service System for Long Distance Trains (PI), Completed.
40. 2008: 9678002, (CityU Applied R&D Funding—ARD): HK$1.72M, Secure Cyber Physical Systems Based on Cross-platforms (PI), Completed.
41. 2007: CERG-7002214: Efficient Handoff Algorithms for WiMAX Networks, Completed.
42. 2007: CERG-7002102: “Dynamic Rectangle Routing for Multicast/Anycast Group Communications”, Completed.
43. 2007: CERG-9610027: “Platform for Next Generation Mobile/Wireless Multimedia Computing Systems”, Completed.
44. 2006: 7001777 “Unsaturated Channel Analysis for Admission Control Algorithms in IEEE 802.11 Networks” Completed.
45. 2006: 7001709 “Effective Bandwidth Detection and Anycast Connection Control for Multimedia Flows in Hybrid Networks”, Completed.
46. 2006: 7001587 “Effective Delay Control for High Rate Aggregate of Multimedia Flows with Extended Network Calculus”, Completed.
47. 2005: CERG-9640006 “AnyServer-A Re-configurable Information Services System”, (ARG) Completed.
48. 2004: 7001446 “Delay Guarantee for High Rate Multicast Multimedia Flows in Differentiated Service Architecture”, Completed.
49. 2004: 7001355 “Hybrid Proactive and Reactive Scalable Protocols for Anycast Communications in Internet”, Completed.
50. 2003: 7001189 “Distributed Admission Control Algorithms for Anycast Multimedia Flows”, Completed.
51. 2002: 7001060 “Reliable Routing Protocols for Internet Multicast and Anycast Services”, Completed.
52. 2001: 7100130, “Optimal Communication Traffic Modeling Using Self-similarity”, Completed.
53. 2000: 7000765 “Research on Internet Reliable Multicast Protocol”, Completed.
54. 2000:7000853 “Fixed-parameter Tractability Theory and its Applications”, Completed.
55. 1999: CERG-9050086 “Reliable Group Communication under Real-time Constraints”, Completed
56. 1999: 7000700 “Hierarchical Protocols for Reliable Distributed Communicating Object Groups”, Completed.
863 National Research Fund, China:
57. 2002 (No: 2001AA111161, completed): RMB500k, “Ten Five” 863 Chinese National Research Grant. (Co-PI), Completed.
58. 2006: RMB1000k, “SIP based Uniform Signaling Protocol”, 863 Chinese National Research Grant. (Co-PI), Completed.
Other funds for external activities:
59. Total RMB330k (China Mobile-Fo Shan: RMB250K + Centre South U 50K+Anyka Comp 20K+GuangZhou Balance Factory 10K).
60. HK$ 600k: HK Asia Advanced Study Institute: The Croucher Foundation (Co-I, Dec 11—16, 2004 jointly with Prof. F Yao et al.).
61. HK$100k: The Croucher Foundation 2000.
62. HK$50k: Hong Kong Pei Hua Education Foundation (2000).
63. HK$20k: Hong Kong Lee Hyson Foundation. (for sponsorship of 4th Intern. Conf. on Algorithm and Architecture on Parallel Processing, in cooperation with IEEE, Dec. 11-13, 2000, Hong Kong, PC chair: Weijia Jia)